Who We Are

Involved for Life, Inc., serving as Woman to Woman Health Center

Touching hearts, transforming lives.


We educate and empower women to make informed decisions.


We envision a world where women have the knowledge and resources to live healthy, whole lives.


We are dedicated to empowering women by providing them with knowledge and information to promote sexual health. We believe in informed decisions, equipping women with essential facts to make informed choices about their sexual well-being. In situations involving unplanned pregnancies, we offer education and a range of options to safeguard both the health of the woman and the life of the unborn child. Our environment is safe, supportive, and built on trust. Here, women receive honest, straightforward answers regarding their sexual health without judgement.


  • We seek God’s wisdom and guidance in all we do, believing that our work brings honor and glory to Him. We courageously follow His lead.
  • We hold sacred the inherent value of human life, believing that every individual deserves compassionate love and respect, reflecting the teachings of Jesus Christ from conception to natural death.


how we have helped

Thank You! Thank you! Words can not express how awesome you all are and were to me during my pregnancy. I was already blessed with my son Jordan and daughter Jakhaia, but then I found out I was due an... Read More.

- Jessica

Freshly graduated and brimming with ambition to become the next female CEO, Lauren’s world took an unexpected turn when she discovered she was pregnant. Overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, she grappled with how to reconcile this new reality with her... Read More.

- Lauren

“Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places” – Tiffany’s Story The lines from this old country song express a sentiment that is understood by many of us. And, while this expression represents the search of many of our clients,... Read More.

- Tiffany

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