Who We Serve

Who We Serve

Why do we help women in unplanned pregnancies? Didn’t their own bad choices get them into this position? Can’t you just sit them down and tell them they are living in sin?

During my years of ministering to women in unintended pregnancies, I have been asked these questions many times. And sure, we could certainly set everyone straight in a hurry – just tell them to stop doing what they’re doing. Yet, as a strict, single mother who raised three teenagers and now “coach” these three young adults, I know that in-your-face style is not only ineffective, it might not even be biblical.

Jesus addressed the situation of intimacy outside of marriage when he ministered to the Samaritan woman in John 4. Instead of confronting her and pointing out her shortcomings, Jesus first offered her living water, which only He could offer. She was touched and amazed, and she wanted to hear more from this Man.

Only after reaching out to care for her need did Jesus ask her to call her husband. We know the story – she had no husband – though she had been a wife to five different men. She, like many we see, was in the midst of yet another dead-end relationship, this time living with a man outside of marriage. Instead of condemning, Jesus actually complimented her for telling the truth about her failed past. What could have been a terribly humiliating moment turned into a life-changing encounter.

Jesus’ compassionate demonstration of love made a way for transformation. At Involved for Life, our message is the same – not one of condemnation, but of hope and joy as we offer living water. We are not here to avoid the truth, just as Christ did not, but to address that truth with love.

So when a woman comes to us for abortion information, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, or other healthcare issues and/or societal problems, we are reminded that while her choices may have put her in undesired circumstances, she is not the first one to find herself in this difficult situation.

A woman went to a well in Samaria, suffering the consequences of her poor choices. When offered living water, a gift that brings life, she chose life. This is the example we work to emulate through the ministries of Involved for Life and we seek to see this story come true again and again!

We consider every client a precious gift from God. Although the packaging may vary from very rough to extremely polished, the heart is always the same – in need of a touch from the Lord. There are so many joyful stories of how the Lord has worked through our ministry to change lives. We want to share some of them with you and thank you for being a part of them through your prayers and financial support.

Carolyn Cline, CEO

Involved for Life, Inc.

how we have helped

Worried. Anxious. Undecided . All these words described LaTisha as she “googled” to find a place where she could talk to someone about her unplanned pregnancy. She had miscarried the year before and felt there was no way she could... Read More.

- LaTisha

“Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places” – Tiffany’s Story The lines from this old country song express a sentiment that is understood by many of us. And, while this expression represents the search of many of our clients,... Read More.

- Tiffany

Thank You! Thank you! Words can not express how awesome you all are and were to me during my pregnancy. I was already blessed with my son Jordan and daughter Jakhaia, but then I found out I was due an... Read More.

- Jessica

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