Who We Are

2023 Impact Report

Click picture to view our 2023 Impact Report.



The Challenges of the Changing Pro-life Landscape



Our Transition Brings Patient Transformation

Our move from a traditional pregnancy center model to a fully comprehensive women’s healthcare center was based on one specific goal: positive transformation in the lives of our patients. As we made that change, we also stepped into a new name that better reflects what we do:

Woman to Woman Health Center

We believe our new name reflects three core strengths of our mission:

  • Woman to Woman: We are a staff of women dedicated to serving a very specific group of – other women. Our services are individualized and personalized according to each woman’s needs at the time she comes to us and delivered one-on-one by women who serve the needs of our patients confidentially and compassionately.
  • Health: We care about the entire woman – her physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. God made us complex human beings with an intricate system in which each of our health systems are interdependent on the other. We delight in how we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” and want our patients to understand they are uniquely and purposefully created with great potential.
  • Center: We are not just a clinic that only addresses physical needs. We are a gathering place for women to center their search for health, education, and acceptance in a safe, confidential environment. We believe when our patients learn to center their lives on the One who can meet their spiritual needs, as well as their physical health, they will begin to experience the abundantly full life they were meant to experience.

Visit Patient Website Here

Why is Transformation our Goal?

As we observed the growing needs of our community, we desired to discover how we might better serve to bring health, healing, and hope to our hurting culture. Expanding our services to target specific needs became our focus for transitioning from the pregnancy center model of the past to a new, more proactive, and interactive healthcare center for the present and future.

1. First Point of Contact: When a young woman first becomes sexually active, she typically looks for a place for STD screening and/or contraception. In the past her option has most likely been Planned Parenthood for their low cost and confidential services. NOW she has Woman to Woman Health Centers to serve her with the services she seeks. We provide a judgement-free zone that is focused on her education and empowerment to make decisions which are in her best interest. We establish a strong bond and ongoing relationship with a woman long before she faces an unplanned pregnancy, hopefully helping her to avoid that undesired circumstance altogether. We believe the saying “prevention is worth an ounce of cure” carries much applicable truth.

2. Lifestyle Medical Model: Following guidelines of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, we have developed a medical model that flows throughout our center’s departments – non-medical, medical, and social services – to educate women in how their lifestyle choices can negatively impact their physical, emotional, and mental health. Our emphasis on spiritual health helps our patients to align their choices in all areas of their lives, bringing the desire and strength to take small, progressive steps forward in improving their overall health.

3. Maternal and Infant Health: The sad news is the U.S. is number one in first-world countries in maternal mortality. Underserved communities who lack quality prenatal and post-natal care have the greatest risk. Full-service reproductive care in a supportive environment helps to break that cycle by addressing undetected or untreated factors such as hypertension, poor nutrition, and other health problems prior to pregnancy. Attentive post-partum care is essential to ensure a healthy environment for both mother and child. We are determined to not let any woman “slip through the cracks” and believe care prior to pregnancy and well beyond birth provides the physical and emotional health women need to carry a healthy pregnancy and parent well.

4. Non-Medical Services: As we move forward by providing reproductive medical services, we bring with us all we have learned in the past that enriches women’s lives during these years:

  • Education: We continue to provide informative prenatal, labor & delivery, and parenting education to our centers’ patients.
  • Abortion Alternative Options: Our Patient Services Staff is the best in helping women understand abortion risks and provide alternative solutions and resources to address the circumstances pressuring an abortion decision, along with the needed support to walk through an unplanned pregnancy.
  • Social Services: We desire to help women transition from being victimized by their circumstances to being empowered through available programs and services to walk in a new life of transformation that affords her health, safety, and an intentional life-affirming lifestyle. Our Patient Services Specialists design a plan for our patients to help them learn how to transition into a healthy lifestyle using available programs and resources.

Services provided:

Currently we offer at two locations and will provide in Garland:

  • Pregnancy testing and Medicaid verification
  • Ultrasound (sonograms)
  • Screening and treatment for STIs/STDs
  • Annual well-woman exams
  • Gynecological appointments and procedures
  • Breast and cervical cancer screenings
  • Contraception consults and medical support
  • Lab tests as directed by a provider.
  • Screening for cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure
  • Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer for diagnostic gynecological and prenatal ultrasound
  • Abortion Pill Reversal (APR)
  • Pre-abortion health screening and education
  • Post-abortion exams and recovery
  • Pregnancy Options consulting – medically accurate information regarding abortion, factual and supportive information regarding adoption and parenting
  • Prenatal and Parenting education
  • Sexual health education
  • Referrals for housing, education, counseling, social services, mentoring, etc.

The services above give us the open door to:

  • Pray for every patient’s needs and concerns.
  • Share the hope of the Gospel with any patient who desires spiritual counsel.
  • Show unconditional acceptance and love given in the name of Jesus Christ regardless of belief system, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or language.

Our Promise: Excellent healthcare provided with kindness and compassion.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing: now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

Our operations are audited annually by an outside accounting firm. Copies of our most recent audited financials are gladly provided at your request. Additionally, our audited financial and operating records are reviewed by three additional professional organizations: ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) as evaluated as an organization in good standing, Excellence in Giving, who has awarded IFLI with their Seal of Transparency, and Candid where we have earned the 2023 Gold Seal of Transparency.



how we have helped

I want to thank you for all that y’all have done for me and my kids. You have done so much I could never do enough to repay it. Y’all not only helped me with things for my kids, but... Read More.

- Courtney

Worried. Anxious. Undecided . All these words described LaTisha as she “googled” to find a place where she could talk to someone about her unplanned pregnancy. She had miscarried the year before and felt there was no way she could... Read More.

- LaTisha

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places” – Tiffany’s Story The lines from this old country song express a sentiment that is understood by many of us. And, while this expression represents the search of many of our clients,... Read More.

- Tiffany

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